Leg Strengthening Exercises

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Two Leg Strengthening Exercises You Can Do With Just Your Bodyweight

When I use to go to the gym I would always see the top heavy weight lifters.  They would spend countless hours on bulking up their upper body but little to no time working their legs.  The end results was always the same, big bulky upper bodies with chicken legs.  My idea fitness greatly differs from the top heavy gym goers.  If your going to be fit, you need to be overall fit.  Being fit involves being able to do many different things from power lifting to yoga.  If you are one dimensional in how you work out you are going to have a lot of holes in other areas of your body that need work.  In this post I am going to cover two leg strengthening exercises you can do without weights to put a stop to being top heavy and bringing balance to your body.

The Two Leg Strengthening Exercises You Can Do Without Weights

The two leg strengthening exercises I am about to get into are your base.  You can easily modify them to be harder and easier for you to do.  You should incorporate leg work 2-3 times a week from my perspective, especially if you are trying to tone or bulk up your legs.  Here are the two leg strengthening exercises for you to do:

#1 – The Squat. Squats are well known and effective whether you are doing them with or without weights.  Bodyweight squats can be modified to fit your fitness level no matter if you are extremely fit or just starting out.  You can do normal tempo squats, plyometric squats to increase your explosive strength, isometric squats (such as wall squats) to help build your muscle endurance, and many other forms.  A regular old squats is just the beginning and you can modify it with so many variations that there is no way or excuse for you not to do some form of a squat.

#2 – The Lunge. Lunges are great at toning your legs.  They also can be modified to many different variations and difficulty levels.  Lunges can be incorporate the same variations from plyometric to isometric.  The great thing is that every time you change a lunge or squat for that matter to a different variation you are working your muscles differently, thus getting you more results in less time.

I know this may seem basic to some, and you may be saying “yeah I know squats and lunges blah blah blah” but the truth of the matter is that they are vital to you reaching your fitness goals.  I could of put twenty different variations of squats and lunges but the reality is the moves are both simple and complex and provide tremendous results when you apply them.  For my leg routines I simply do many different variations of squats and lunges; and each time I do a leg routine with simply squats and lunges I am sore for a couple of days.  I think sometimes with exercises when they are basic they can be dismissed or not be put to use in a way that unleash great results.

Closing Thoughts In Leg Strengthening Exercises

This is a basic post for a reason.  Getting fit can be as basic as doing push ups, pull ups, planks, and squats and staying away from processed food.  Simply having two leg strengthening exercises that drive results keeps it basic hopefully empowers people to just do them.  We all need to focus on doing leg strengthening exercises to avoid being the top heavy person at the gym.  Don’t allow yourself to ditch leg strengthening exercises just because you only look at you top half in the mirror

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