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Habits to Maintain Strong Body

Getting in shape can be hard but once you achieve your goal it feels great. Maintaining a fit body is not an easy sport at all. A strong & shredded physique requires more than putting on bodybuilding jogger pants and doing intense exercise & a commitment to healthy eating. It includes running a check on all of your life aspects, throwing off all the habits that are a potential threat to your strong body, and getting along with good ones to dictate your daily actions & routines. To start your journey to maintain a better body follow the below-mentioned steps

*   Eat healthy foods in the right proportion

Eating too much and eating junk results in weight gain. Eating different types of foods, often leads to overeating, particularly when you try sugary and or foods. Ignore how badly your stomach craves unhealthy food. Controlled eating makes you take a balanced diet. When you eat healthy foods most of the time, you tune your body with the right portion size & are less likely to take junk. Fruits & vegetables should be on the top of your menu. Incorporate lean meats such as turkey & chicken and seafood in your diet. They are rich in protein & healthy nutrients that keep your muscles fit & ready to exercise. Always check in what portion you eat. Good metabolism results from portioned meals. Try easting in smaller proportions rather than having heavy feasts.

*   Exercise Daily

Workout daily for a minimum of an hour. You don't necessarily have to overburden yourself with intense exercises. But incorporate moderate physical activity in your daily routine and do high-intensity workouts a few times a week. But you need to constantly alter the workout routine after a few weeks as the human body adapts quickly & needs continuous challenges. Consider doing your exercise early in the morning. That will make you look forward to a healthy breakfast, which will regulate your energy levels for the whole day. Make sure you hydrate your body properly and intake a rich amount of protein after every workout.

*   Keep a record of Calories & Food you take each day

Keeping a record of how many calories you take per day. It will help draft out your exercise routine. Planning out your diet plays an important role in maintaining your healthy body.

Aim to intake 1g of protein for every pound of your body weight per day. And spread the amount equally over 5-6 six small meals. Don't exceed the amount of excess protein is linked to the formation of kidney stones. Proportionate all the macronutrients in your diet.

*   Give your body Recovery time

You don't have to be in your bodybuilding top all the time to maintain a strong body. No matter, you have just completed an intense workout or a routine activity, it is important to give yourself time to heal and refuel. Your body needs recovery time as much as a protein shake or rich diet so don't neglect it.

*   Check your posture

Nothing harms perfectly shaped muscles more than muscle imbalances & poor body alignment mostly caused by sitting on computers in the wrong posture all day. Change your posture, stand up once in an hour & stretch. Consider doing some walking lunges. Pull your shoulder blades back & down. Resetting the muscles of your body after every hour can help in maintaining your toned muscles.

*   Get Appropriate amount of sleep

Sleep is the time when most of the hormones in your body are released. It also relieves fatigue. Fatigue undermines the ability of your body to eat right & train hard that eventually raises the level of your body fat. When you are exhausted, your brain gets confused about whether you need sleep or starving for glucose, so it naturally provokes sugar craving, it's also one of the reasons behind late-night cravings. Without adequate sleep time, you are sabotaging your efforts to maintain a healthy body.


One of the key aspects of maintaining a strong body and being in shape is to set a particular goal & keep an optimistic mindset. Staying positive, make you push yourself to maintain that fir body you have got!

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