Farmers Walk Workout Routine

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It is unfortunate that we do not see the good old Farmers walk done in the gym as much as it should. It is a well-proven and effective way of training "out the box" so that you can break through a training plateau you might be dealing with.

The farmer's walk workout is often done when bodybuilders feel that they want to increase their grip strength or another forearm exercise, however this exercise works everything. The muscles that you will use when you are doing the farmers walk include your back from the lower back to your upper traps.

But they will also directly isolate your shoulders and biceps and the tendons that attach to the muscle as increasing this strength will improve many compound movements like bench, squats and deadlift. Increasing the tendon strength for any muscle attached will also help to prevent injury.

There are a number of different variations that you can do when doing the farmers walk. From lifting a sandbag or a pale of water to lifting a barbell plate above your head as you walk, the variations are endless. We always need to make sure that our quads, calves and glutes are fully engaged when doing the farmers walk.

Another variation if you train at home is to invest in some cheap water jugs and just fill them with water or sand. The advantage to doing this is that you could easily use the drop set mentality when training by simply taking a bit of the contents out when you reach the point of failure.

Obviously doing this movement with straps is useless so it is advisable to also invest in some chalk as letting the weight slip through your sweaty hands and onto your toe is not a good option. One could walk or stand still but you will get better results from walking.

Another idea that you could also try is doing sets on a stairwell like climbing 30 or 40 steps and coming down again is one set. If you are able to slowly increase the weight that you carry you will be getting stronger through your whole body just like doing squats.

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